A Library of Adventures

VEB2023 tendered collaboration
VEB2023 tendered collaboration

Although library use has changed a lot (for the worse) over the past decades, the Eötvös Károly County Library does not wish to resign itself to the decline of reading habits. Instead, it wants to make book borrowing easier by introducing new services and entertaining events to make young people come to love books and reading again.

Eötvös Károly County Library

The Eötvös Károly County Library is the largest public and reference library in Veszprém County, with a unique collection of knowledge and local history. To its librarians popularising and cultivating reading is a critical task. The project is supported by the Veszprém-Balaton 2023 European Capital of Culture Programme. The support takes the form of technical and technological improvements and new services, grab-bag games, personalised guided tours with a local history theme, and combining quizzes with library use.

Eötvös Károly County Library

The introduction of the RFID system - a pioneering service in Veszprém County - and the book-box and locker outside the library allows the return of books to the Eötvös Károly County Library after hours and without human contact.

Eötvös Károly County Library

Through user-friendly innovations and playful challenges, the library is also trying to reach out to those who rarely, if ever, wish to visit the library. The primarily targets are the younger age groups and people interested in the history of the city, including visitors to Veszprém during the European Capital of Culture 2023 Programme.

Eötvös Károly County Library
Veszprém book library


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