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Veszprém-Balaton 2023
CODE – Centre of Digital ExperiencesOpening soon! Explore the digital world of arts and sciences, participate in inspiring lectures and sessions, learn with the tools of the future, be inspired and enjoy unforgettable experiences!Details
Watch the Presentations AgainKeep Shining, Veszprém-Balaton! Lessons of a Season, the Future of a RegionPresentations
Moods, Flavours, ExperiencesRoaming Veszprém and the Bakony-Balaton RegionDetails
Veszpreminfo.huThe official tourism website of the City of QueensWebsite
aktuális oldal
Creativity and culture across the region beyond 2023!An unusual density of good things continues to await visitors to Veszprém and the Bakony-Balaton region after the ECoC year. With the Veszprém-Balaton 2023 European Capital of Culture programme, our aim from the lead-up years has been to make the region, with Veszprém as its centre, a creative and cultural region not only in Hungary but also at European level. The processes that have been set in motion as a result of the programme: cooperation between municipalities in the region, the expansion of the cultural offer and the building and strengthening of local communities, were not only the objectives of the ECoC year, but laid the foundations for much longer-term development in the life of the region. In 2024 and beyond, the region continues its efforts to transform Veszprém, the Bakony and Lake Balaton into a tourist destination where there are countless cultural opportunities not only for visitors but also for locals, across a wide range of genres, from sport to fine arts, music and gastronomy.