Cult-Net (Kultháló)

VEB2023 implementation
VEB2023 implementation

Contemporary Arts - Regional Creative Communities

The Cult-Net VEB2023 programme is a collaboration between places and artists who can open up the ivory towers of art and show their community-building power in the region's more remote communities.

At each Cult-Net base, artist friends, musicians, writers and painters, locals and masters gather to mould the spirit of the place into an experience of dialogue, initiation and wonder. From painting to classical music, creative industries to jazz and poetry to underground endeavours, a series of all-arts events, workshops and forums will offer opportunities of connecting.

At the Cult-Net bases, one can meet the arts, artists, art history and contemporary culture in unusual proximity, in an intimate setting, and sometimes participate in the proceedings.

The events of mediation, localism and proximity to the arts have already formed a network by 2022. Still in 2023, they will have completed their development opening up hitherto unknown dimensions of a specific Bakony-Balaton identity, unique to the region while also becoming noticeable to European eyes.

The Cult-Net programme was launched in 2021 at three venues and communities. In 2022, their number has doubled; six venues and communities have successfully applied and implemented artistic seasons. The applications for the 2023 sites will be due in autumn 2022, with a final map of the Cult-Net bases to be drawn up in early 2023. 

Region, alive kultháló cult-net


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