European Youth Orchestras Workshop

VEB2023 tendered collaboration
VEB2023 tendered collaboration

The Language of Music, the Music of Languages.

The multiple award-winning Gárdonyi Zoltán Youth Chamber Orchestra is launching an international orchestral workshop involving young musicians from five countries in a multi-stage programme. It is intended to inspire intercultural encounters, strengthen links across national borders and language barriers and improve high-quality orchestral music-making.


Young classical musicians from Austria, Germany, Latvia, Slovenia, and Italy will gather in the spring for joint orchestral and instrumental workshops, followed by a creative camp in the summer. On 1 October, World Music Day, the orchestra will expand into a truly international, multi-generational ensemble with the Mendelssohn Chamber Orchestra and members of European partner youth orchestras for a truly festive concert.


Implemented by:  Gárdonyi Zoltán Orchestra Foundation (Gárdonyi Zoltán Zenekarért Alapítvány)

Date: 29.07.2023, 31.08.2023, 01.10.2023.

Location: Veszprém

Partners: Mendelssohn Chamber Orchestra (Mendelssohn Kamarazenekar), Landesjugendsinfonieorchester Steiermark, Johann-Joseph-Fux-Konservatorium Graz, Young Academy Rostock



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