Rehearsal Centre and Creative Studio.
Vacant for more than ten years, the iconic building of "former Dimitrov", the one-time city cultural centre, has found new tenants for 2023. The Dimitrov project represents everything that we value in the European Capital of Culture programme: renovating and reviving an old, disused building, counting on the activity of the residents and local artists. We have envisioned a community and creative space where people of various disciplines can create, work, and stimulate each other.
There is room here:
- rehearsal rooms and sound studios for producing music;
- creative studios for graphic and visual artists, photographers, and filmmakers;
- the Hangar Centre for Light Music, offering complex musical training;
- community spaces for artists and the occasional urban civic initiatives to work here.
Our ambition is for this creative community to continue beyond 2023. Laying sound foundations for this endeavour is important for the programme year.
Implemented by: Veszprém-Balaton 2023 Plc., Hangvető Zenei Terjesztő Társulás Kft (‘Hangvető’
Music Dissemination Society)
Date: Continuous, starting in 2022
Location: No. 2 Dózsa György St.. Veszprém