In the Land of Queens

VEB2023 tendered collaboration
VEB2023 tendered collaboration

The “In the Land of Queens” Programme is aimed at illustrating the role of the WOMEN (in capital letters) of Veszprém, and their contribution to the creation of hidden values that have shaped the city over the centuries and continue to influence it today. These women made Veszprém the city as we know it: a versatile, creative, stylish settlement, one that's always on the move. The image of any town is shaped by its community, but this project presents the contribution and resolve attributed to women and is linked, in one way or other, to Veszprém, it's public and cultural life. The programmes demonstrate women’s roles as mothers, entrepreneurs, workers, homemakers, and artists. All the above will be presented to the public at a large-scale festival during Women's Week in Veszprém in 2023. Veszprém has always been proud of its local communities. Civil society organisations are diverse, rich and cherish their traditions. Girls and women continue to shape the city and its local communities.

At the same time, the riches and diversity of Veszprém women’s influence in most cases remain hidden. The variety of the ways they have contributed and continue to contribute to the city's life has never been descriptively presented. Their beauty, spiritual richness, or 'Veszprém-ness' have never openly celebrated. The In the Land of Queens project is meant to make up for this deficit.

The festival’s message is that while it’s wonderful and of great value to be a woman, being a woman in Veszprém is a feeling that differs from any other in any other part of the world. What makes women in Veszprém different?

The joint festival in 2023 will present the uniqueness of women of Veszprém, the richness of values they have represented over the millennia and continue to represent today in the life of the city and the local community.

Veszprém is the city of queens. They have been great-grandmothers and grandmothers who lived here for generations. Others stayed in the city after finishing their studies or came from far away to become Veszprémers, following an enticing offer. They know the history of each building and of each cobblestone. Various destinies and motivations drive their lives and serve as the starting point for this project.

What makes Veszprém so rich? The show is to present and raise awareness and celebrate the diversity of women’s abilities and life as treasures.

teszveszprém királynék földjén


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