Kabóciádé Family Festival

VEB2023 implementation
VEB2023 implementation

On Land, On Water, In the Air.

In recent years, it has been done on land and on water. In 2023, we’ll take it to the air.


Tightrope walkers, aerial acrobats, flying dragons and cicadas will populate the banks of the Séd Stream at the end of July for the three-day Kabóciadé (‘Cicadiade’). As in previous years, the brave King Habakkuk and the beautiful Queen Boróka (Juniper) will be there, in the company of their loyal subjects, creating a magical knightly atmosphere complete with jousting and duels. Very young and older children alike will become time travellers for a few hours trying their hands at being a medieval craftsman such as a rope-maker, a candlestick-maker or a blue dye master.


Of course, besides the Kabóca (Cicada) Puppet Theatre, other exciting private troupes, independent puppeteers and repertoire theatres will be there to perform. The spectacular open-air stage shows will be complemented by concerts, arts and crafts activities and improvisational stilt-walking attractions. Without doubt, the night adventure tour will prove to be the most popular, when actors and the children together go to deal with challenges and resolve the conflicts between the heroes as a unique story unfolds.



Implemented by: Kabóca Puppet Theatre

Venue: Veszprém, Valley of Monasteries and Gardens

Date: 28-30 July 2023

The busy world of Veszprém


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