MusiColours European Youth Music Festival

Organized by Partner
Organized by Partner

In the land of Béla Bartók and Zoltán Kodály,  

in the hometown of Leopold Auer,  

in the 2023 European Capital of Culture,  

in a UNESCO City of Music: 

An unforgettable rendezvous of youth choirs and music ensembles where the Hungarian sea and the wild Bakony hills converge.

The name MusiColours refers not only to different musical styles but also to the range of young people from numerous countries coming to participate. 

We believe that the essence of music - however diverse - is understood by all, and it binds us all together. In our experience playing any role in an art group teaches one to listen to others. For these reasons, it is particularly important to create opportunities for active youth ensembles and choirs to meet, perform, and encourage them to continue. 

What could be a better opportunity for this than a European youth music festival in the European Capital of Culture? On Pentecost weekend in 2023, at least 4,000 young singers and musicians are expected to gather in Veszprém and fill the streets, gardens, stages, and neighbourhoods. They will make music together, for each other and with each other for over four days. Perhaps there never have been so many instruments playing in the city simultaneously.

Who do we expect to come? Youth choirs and music ensembles aged 12-25 from all over Europe

What do we expect? Each participating group will give at least two concerts in different venues. Depending on the number of ensembles, this may mean 10-17 simultaneous concerts on 10-17 stages.

Where will it happen? On open-air and indoor stages in Veszprém and the Bakony-Balaton region, no farther than half an hour’s drive from the city.

Date: 27-31 May 2023.

Registration: 20.09.2022 to 31.12.2022

Location: Veszprém and the Balaton-Bakony region

Partners: Association of Hungarian Music and Art Schools (Magyar Zeneiskolák és Művészeti Iskolák Szövetsége), Csermák Antal Elementary Art School (Csermák Antal Alapfokú Művészeti Iskola) 



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