Water in Front - Forest Behind

VEB2023 tendered collaboration
VEB2023 tendered collaboration

It has been a long-standing dream of the organisers to make Lake Balaton attractive for tourists and residents all year round, with cultural programmes and quality facilities for visitors.

Vonyarcvashegy is a lucky village, as it has a beautiful beach and a beautiful forest. The entire town is suited for theatrical performances, with several venues from the forest to the water’s edge. These locations include the old mine behind the Gleaming Cross (Fénykereszt), the Open-Air Stage, the St. Michael's Hill Amphitheatre, the floating stage on the Lido beach, and the Imre Sándor Love Theatre (Szeretetszínház). Through its Theatre School, the latter offers opportunities for acting and participating in the theatre experience to local children and to children and adults from other settlements in the region.

Implemented by: Municipal Government of Vonyarcvashegy

Date: March - December 2023

Location: Vonyarcvashegy

Region, alive


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