The name – MusiColours – represents not only the different types of music we play, but people with different root, origin or colour. We firmly believe that the essence of music - no matter how multicoloured it is - lies in the fact that it brings us together and is understandable for every human being.
Additionally, it is our very first task to make music available for everyone. Besides these, playing in an art group teaches people to pay attention to each other, which - we can absolutely say - seems to be fading from most societies.
About the festival
DATE: 27-31 May, 2023
SPOT: Veszprém and its surroundings (apr. 25km), the Balaton-Bakony region
ACCOMODATION: in Veszprém & its surroundings (max 25km) - in camps, hostels or hotels
PREREGISTRATION: 1. June - 31. August 2022.
REGISTRATION: 20. September-31. December 2022.
Sites in Veszprém
Sites on Lake Balaton
We hope that the colours of the European young musicians can meet the faces of Veszprém and the Balaton-Bakony region in 2023, and together they can create the most beautiful and vivid composition: the MusiColours Festival.
It would be a pleasure for us to make it born!