Veszprém-Balaton 2023
  • Kategória: #CityOfMusic MusiColours Festival European Youth Music Festival in Veszprém Pre-registration

The name – MusiColours – represents not only the different types of music we play, but people with different root, origin or colour. ​We firmly believe that the essence of music - no matter how multicoloured it is - lies in the fact that it brings us together and is understandable for every human being. ​

Additionally, it is our very first task to make music available for everyone.​ Besides these, playing in an art group teaches people to pay attention to each other, which - we can absolutely say - seems to be fading from most societies.​

About the festival

DATE: 27-31 May, 2023​

SPOT: Veszprém and its surroundings (apr. 25km), ​the Balaton-Bakony region​

ACCOMODATION: in Veszprém & its surroundings ​(max 25km) - in camps, hostels or hotels​

PREREGISTRATION: 1. June - 31. August 2022​.​

REGISTRATION: 20. September-31. December 2022.​​

Sites in Veszprém

Sites on Lake Balaton

We hope that the colours of the European young musicians can meet the faces of Veszprém and the Balaton-Bakony region in 2023, and together they can create the most beautiful and vivid composition: ​the MusiColours Festival.​

It would be a pleasure for us to make it born!

Vissza a főoldalra


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