TANDEM REPORT/ second round: Kabóca Bábszínház

As part of the European Cultural Foundation’s Tandem project three applicants were selected to attend the second meeting in Leeuwarden with ECOC experts. The aim of the Tandem project was for the participants to learn through experience how to organize international cultural projects.

As part of the European Cultural Foundation’s Tandem project three applicants were selected to attend the second meeting in Leeuwarden with ECOC experts. The aim of the Tandem project was for the participants to learn through experience how to organize international cultural projects.

The last six month was one of the most inspiring time for me on a professional level. I met wonderful, smart and witty people from all around the world, we exchanged knowledge and experiences. It was interesting to see that many people share the same problems and challenges, even in Serbia, Hungary, Ireland or the Netherlands. Having a Dutch tandem partner, I had the chance to visit Leeuwarden twice. This time we worked more on our future collaboration, to discuss our plans with other cultural professionals and listen to their suggestions. We received useful guideline to be able to step forward and really feel that the plans which were only dreams before now have the chance to turn into reality. The tandem program was an actual opportunity to see my institution on an international market and now we plan to work on the partner relations more. On a personal level I feel huge responsibility to share all my experiences with my colleagues in Kabóca Puppet Theatre, so this entire journey could serve as a richening impulse for all of us and not just for me.



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