Veszprém Business Forum

Veszprém intends to become the most attractive settlement to domestic and foreign entrepreneurs. To foster this goal, Veszprém Municipality organised a Business Forum on 21 November 2017 in the Veszprém Arena. 

Veszprém intends to become the most attractive settlement to domestic and foreign entrepreneurs. To foster this goal, Veszprém Municipality organised a Business Forum on 21 November 2017 in the Veszprém Arena.

According to Gyula Porga, Mayor of Veszprém, investors find the city an attractive destination in Hungary, as it has exceptional capabilities compared to other settlements of similar size. Regarding Veszprém’s level of development, it belongs to the first third of the country, and considering its tax power capability, it is the strongest among the cities with fewer than 65,000 citizens.

Veszprém Business Forum aimed to initiate a professional dialogue between governmental and municipal organizations and representatives of the largest local corporations interested in the local economy’s development. The invited experts highlighted the following topics:

• Veszprém’s competitiveness in Central and Eastern Europe

• Economy of Veszprém and its region

• The business service sector in Hungary

• Governmental and municipal organisations for businesses

After highlighting the current situation and some potential improvements, concrete actions were presented, which could improve even now Veszprém’s attractiveness to entrepreneurs.

Veszprém Municipality invests significant resources both in developing local infrastructure and in educating highly skilled workforce. Supporting businesses, encouraging investments and retaining skilled professionals are important success factors for Veszprém’s and its region’s future, so these proposals appear in the ECoC 2023 Veszprém application.


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