Balaton Wine & Gourmet 2024

Organized by Partner Veszprém, Kolostorok és kertek
Organized by Partner Veszprém, Kolostorok és kertek

In addition to over 50 Balaton restaurants and wineries, this year's Balaton Wine & Gourmet event will welcome visitors with the culinary delights of Italy and a richer program offering.

The event, preserved as part of our heritage, is co-organized by the Italian Trade Agency and is primarily sponsored by the E.ON Hungária Group. 

Visitors can enjoy nearly fifty programs across five venues: the main stage, mercato stage, Jesuit church interior, wine pavilion, and children's tent. 

The main stage will feature cultural programs, free food and drink demonstrations, and aperitivo sessions with a DJ, evoking the 'dolce vita' atmosphere of 1950s and 1960s Italy. An Italian master sommelier and the Törley champagne manufactory will also be present.

Topics of the roundtable discussions include the sustainability of Lake Balaton and the role of women in winemaking. 

A new addition this year is the mercato stage, reminiscent of Italian markets, focusing on the universes of pizza, pasta, gelato, and coffee.

In the Jesuit church, experience dining events, workshops, and guided tastings will offer a taste of Italian gastronomy. Two Michelin-starred Italian celebrity chefs will provide special dining experiences and premium wine presentations.

Dr. Attila Fiáth will present volcanic wines and a north-south wine competition in the church.

At the CEWI wine pavilion, there will be registration-required lectures and guided tastings, while in the children's tent, Györgyi Kalas will hold culinary activities for the little ones.

Special Guest: Italy

Host: Gianni Annoni

wine Gastronomy gastroculture gastro


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