VEB2023 tendered collaboration Művészetek Háza Veszprém
VEB2023 tendered collaboration Művészetek Háza Veszprém

In cooperation with House of Arts Veszprém and Galerie Biro Munich, our first international contemporary jewellery exhibition opens on 23rd September 2023. Veszprém as European Capital of Culture welcomes European artists.

The exhibition features 29 jewellery artists, 5 from Hungary and 24 from Europe. From Sweden to Greece, from France to Romania, a selection of contemporary jewellery reveals that it is a sensitive response to the social issues and problems of our time, and a symbol of cultural identity. We showcase jewellery by some of Europe's most outstanding artists, using exciting techniques, materials and forms, with open-ended interpretations.

Cover photo:

Réka Lőrincz

Title: What a Day!

silver, genuine pearls, antique jewellery, plastic



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