Hősök / Gisela Days 2024

VEB2023 implementation
VEB2023 implementation

Every May, the largest multidisciplinary arts festival in the City of Queens fills the streets of the castle quarter and the city centre with a colourful cavalcade of free music, art, theatre, literature and family events.

The Hősök rap group was founded in 2001 and has been an active player in the Hungarian music scene ever since.

Early albums such as Szóhisztéria, Nyelvtan and Klasszik established their underground reputation. In 2003 they won the national talent contest Hiphop Mission, the successor to the legendary Fila Rap Jams. In 2011, the 10th anniversary and the fourth album (Four Seasons) marked another major turning point in the band's life. The album received a lot of positive reviews, opening up many new doors and opportunities for Hősök. In 2012, they performed with the Hungarian Radio Symphony Orchestra at the Szimfonik 2.0 event. 2013 sees the release of the fifth album, entitled Érintés, with songs such as Kisember, Hip Hop Hatalom and Enyém.

The albums Négy Évszak, Érintés and Raplife were also made to open up to the general public. The mood of the Hősök songs runs the gamut: Mindörökké or Szó fel are as much the group's emblem as Utolsó vasárnap or Lepörög a film.

Of course, life didn't stop after that. New songs and clips are constantly being released. Audiences rave about their videos and songs, and the atmosphere of live concerts and performances is captivating, even if by some chance you've never heard them before.

Over the years, the group has toured the country. They have performed at all the major festivals in the country, they used to be staples at the Offline Sport Games summer finale, and nowadays they are a regular at city and town events and of course hip hop oriented parties.


Dániel „Eckü” Baranyai – rap

Gergely „Mentha” Ozsváth – rap

Ádám „Mr. Joeker” Komjáti – composition

Anna Szélinger – vocals

Concert music Multidisciplinary Arts Tradition The busy world of Veszprém Gisela Days 2024 Community programmes


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