Linda Rukaj (AL) - BALKAN:MOST Festival

VEB2023 tendered collaboration FOTON Audiovizuális Centrum
VEB2023 tendered collaboration FOTON Audiovizuális Centrum

Balkans - like you've never heard it before. Discover the thousand-faced Balkans through music at the free open-air festival in the picturesque locations of Veszprém!

Albanian folk music with a touch of jazz harmonies and a little bit of fragrance and elegance from Paris  – this is the essence of Linda Rukaj, vocalist, composer and multi-instrumentalist performer. Mostly alone on stage, she sings and plays no less than seven different instruments – which is a symbolic number for her, like the seven-note scale, the seven colours of the rainbow, jazz chords played with a seventh, the seven chakras of our body and the seven seas.

Concert music MUSIC/CITY Balkan:Most Festival


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