Venice 1507 – Csaba Nagy, lutenist
1507. Venice. An important year and an important place in the history of instrumental music: in this year, Ottaviano Petrucci publishes Francesco Spinacino's volume on lute tablature, the first publication of works for a solo instrument.
Spinacino's works mark the beginning of the golden age of lute music, which would go on to radiate across the musical world throughout the 16th century.
Csaba Nagy began his musical studies in Szentendre. After graduating from the Kodály Zoltán Secondary School for Music in Deberecen, he received a degree from the University of Music in Bratislava. As a lutenist he regularly gives solo and chamber music concerts in Hungary and abroad. As a soloist, his repertoire includes rarely heard and now nearly forgotten Renaissance and Baroque works, performed on period lutes (Renaissance and Baroque lute, vihuela, teorba). He is the founder of the Recercare Early Music Workshop and Veszprém Early Music Days, dedicated to medieval and Renaissance music, and was its artistic director until 2017. Until 2019, he was a guitar teacher at Dohnányi Ernő Secondary School for Music in Veszprém, and currently teaches classical guitar and chamber music at Csermák Antal Music School.
Ticket price: 1000 Ft
Recercare 16.
Adiu mes amours de Josquin
Marco dall’Aquila: Recercare N33
Recercare 4.
Recercare 13.
Recercare 10.
Recercare 8.
Joan Ambrosio Dalza: Tastar de corde
Recercare 15.
Recercare 14.
Haray tre amours de Stockhem
Vincenzo Capirola: LaVilanela
Recercare 26.
Malor me bat de Ockeghem
Francesco da Milano: Fantasia N33
Bossinensis: recercar primo
Recercare 9.
Benedictus de Isaach
Recercare de tutti li Toni 5.
Bassadanz [La Spagna]
The revenue generated from the tickets purchased during the Fructus Labiorum Classic Music Festival will be used in its entirety, in cooperation with the Integrated Institution for Family Support and Child Welfare of Veszprém, to provide free tickets to the ice and snow-doughnut rink of the Winter Garden for disadvantaged families in Veszprém and the surrounding area.
In addition to entrance tickets, it will also be possible to buy donation tickets - both online in advance and on the spot.