Boronclassic Classic Music Festival

VEB2023 tendered collaboration
VEB2023 tendered collaboration

The Boronclassic Classical Music Festival will be a unique series of international classical music events featuring renowned Hungarian and international performers at the Boronka Castle and Park complex. The idea is to establish a long-running international festival of classical music, that would connect the world's biggest stages and the Veszprém-Balaton region through world-renowned performers.

In addition to the performances, great emphasis will be placed on the musical education of children, the promotion and presentation of young talent, and the strengthening of musical links between the Visegrád countries. 

The Boronka Castle will be filled with music in September and December.

The Erkel Ferenc Chamber Orchestra will give the grand opening concert of the three-day festival in September. The following morning, the Music Kindergarten will await the children, who will be treated to a show by Yuki Farkas and his Japanese colleagues and a concert by students from the local music school. The Trio Bohemo ensemble will perform works by Visegrád countries composers. In the evening, pianist Gábor Farkas will give a solo recital. The closing day will start with a matinee concert, providing young talent with the chance to prove their talent. The festival will end with a grand gala concert of virtuoso pieces. 

In December, the sounds of Christmas will fill the castle's halls for another three days of music. Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker will come to life, performed by ballet students, while characters from ballet will roam the castle garden. The audience, especially the children, can join in the performance, dance with the characters, and solve riddles. On the weekend the children’s music programme will also include waiting for Santa’s arrival, folk music lessons, instrument selection sessions, and choir programmes tailored to children. In the evenings, besides concerts of the Erkel Ferenc Chamber Orchestra and invited instrumental soloists, the Szilumona Quartet Baroque wind ensemble, piano recitals, and Christmas choral works will create an authentic Christmas atmosphere in the enchanted grounds of the Boronka Castle. 

Implemented by: Boronka Futura Association 

Date: September, December 2023 

Location: Marcali – Boronka 

Partners: Eötvös Károly County Library (Eötvös Károly Megyei Könyvtár),  Kabóca Puppet Theatre (Kabóca Puppet Theatre), Veszprém University and Student Athletic Club (Veszprém Egyetemi és Diák Atlétikai Klub), Demo Association (Demo Egyesület), Veszprém Sports Climbers Association (Veszprémi Sportmászó Egyesület), Theatre Olympics (Színházi Olimpia), Arts for Rural Development Foundation (Művészetek a Vidékfejlesztésért Alapítvány), Pápa Educational History Society (Pápai Művelődéstörténeti Társaság)



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