InterUrban: Chemnitz, Bottrop - Chemnitz DJ night (DE)

VEB2023 tendered collaboration Terem
VEB2023 tendered collaboration Terem

A chemnitzi elektronikus zenei szcéna is Veszprémbe látogat, egy estén négy Dj kalauzol keletnémet hangtájakon.

From exuberant rave to experimental offshoots, from woodland revelry to chillout ambients, everything is included in the hour-long journey, accompanied by interactive light painting. At Terem Bar, em.ævi, Aniqua, Wesley and Felde take turns behind the mixer for an evening rich in genres and dance. A diverse, confident but approachable scene unfolds, full of creative energy that will shape Chemnitz 2025.

Concert celebration music Chemnitz Interueban Bottrop


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