Cholnoky Code

VEB2023 implementation
VEB2023 implementation

The thinking behind the theatre production Cholnoky Code is to direct the limelight onto Veszprém as a scientific and artistic settlement, highlighting the city's origins, rich history, harmonious relationship between science and the arts, and its civic attitude. It offers an opportunity to introduce the nearby Lake Balaton as a natural phenomenon and a space for artistic creation.

The Cholnokys were the defining family of turn-of-the-century Veszprém. Their intellectual achievements (literature, geography, medicine) in the late 19th and early 20th centuries are of national and international importance. Their works and way of life paint an accurate picture of the development of Veszprém as a bourgeois town. The Lighthouse light art team from Debrecen will assist in this innovative theatrical performance. They will use state-of-the-art visual aids to make the Cholnoky Code palatable while leaving suitable associative space for creative intentions. The author takes the audience on an intellectual journey of the sometimes-turbulent lives of the Cholnokys, the contradictions of the times, and the conflicts of rural, metropolitan, and European life. 

The play was written by Zoltán Egressy, a József Attila Prize-winning writer. The production will be co-produced by the Forte Company and the Pannon Castle Theatre in 2023, with the theatrical premiere on 23 September 2023. In addition to László, Jenő, Viktor and Ferenc Csolnoky, the performance also features female members of the family and the most important literary and social personalities of the time.


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