Jutasi - community planning

VEB2023 implementation
VEB2023 implementation


From 17th May to 7th October 2021, we held a series of community planning sessions on the improvement of the parks in the Jutasi Road residential area with the active participation of local residents – and the time has come to say a big thank you to them!

The presentation of the results took place at 5pm on Tuesday, 26th October 2021 at the Agóra Veszprém Cultural Centre. The event, open to the press, was among others attended by:

- Gyula Porga, Mayor of the Municipal City of Veszprém

- The ECoC Community Planning Team and partners

- Municipal councillors and residents' association representatives

Details of the plan presented are as follows:

As a result of careful planning, the location of the temporary stage was chosen so that the magnificent and healthy trees next to the building could stay in place. There was unanimous support for the installation of modern street furniture next to the event area which could serve as a top location audience sector for shows.

The footpaths would be pushed right to the edge of the site, increasing the contiguous green space inside the park. The previously proposed children's area would be disruptive during events, so new plans have been drawn up for its location. In terms of equipment, the unique rope climbing frames have so far won everyone's approval, and an extra swing has also been considered as an option.

For the community area, residents have proposed a pavilion with benches and tables, which can seat up to 20 people, providing shelter from the rain and sun and is easy to clean. Security and proper use of the area could be ensured by installing a CCTV camera.

The planning process prioritised park development proposals in the following order of importance:

1. the location of the event area, including in particular the rotation of the stage. This solution is a priority for both the Agora and the residents of the adjacent building. It would be desirable if the event area could be provided with shading from the outset.

2. Green space issues. The greatest emphasis was placed on 'external' perimeter fencing with hedges, which would also increase internal transparency.

3. investments to improve amenities, in particular the creation or extension of benches, litter bins, drinking fountains and bicycle storage.

4. community-building features, i.e. the creation of a children's and a community park area.

5. The last meeting for Táborállás Park took place on 2nd October, during the Hungarikum Festival, when the plans drawn up by the residents were presented to the public and we were delighted to see that the concept, which was the result of a joint effort, was well received.

The parents and grandparents interviewed in the Kálvin Park area were unanimous in their support for the extension of the playground. The majority said that it is the youngest children (0-4 years) and older children (8-12 years) who are now at a disadvantage. Most residents would like to see new swings for the playground, with baby seats for the youngest. Other imaginative suggestions for equipment include a sunken trampoline, a creative climbing frame and a house for the little ones.

 The balancing, the seesaw, the  for climbing castle were very well received, and locals could also do with a football gate in the grassy area, a barefoot path and a crate for storing sanding toys. In addition, a "pump track" has been suggested as an idea to introduce the youngest and the slightly older children to the world of cycling.

In terms of infrastructure to improve comfort, there was also a request for litter bins, drinking fountains, CCTV cameras, benches and a sun sail over the plastic paved area.

A frequently raised issue was the fencing around the playground, as parents and grandparents of younger children are concerned that the little ones can now run out onto the roadway without any obstacles in their way. Another argument in favour of fencing is that dog owners do not always pay proper attention to their pets, and that it would also keep out groups of people who regularly leave a mess behind.

In order to improve the area formerly known as the "sporty-youngish part", the organisers used a questionnaire to gauge the ideas of skatepark users. Thanks again for the nearly 100 completed questionnaires, many great suggestions and constructive feedback!

The playgrounds of the two parks located in the area were equipped in a playful way - participants could choose from a selection of design plan pictures to see what they would like to have improved.

Team members discussed each suggestion carefully and came up with a design that they all agreed on. Topics ranged from issues related to dog parks, to public toilets, and the expansion of playgrounds.

In the end, the following was agreed:

1. In the area of the playground in the park behind the nursery, it would be nice to give a better offer to older children, too. It was suggested, for example, that a seesaw and a 'multifunctional' play castle should be installed in addition to the swing and sun sail mentioned earlier.

2. Two playgrounds are envisaged for the area in front of the school. An important aspect is to increase opportunities for all age groups. The new concept is to offer equipment for younger children and for older children, so that children of different ages can play in a more 'undisturbed' way.

3. Recommended equipment includes a spring seesaw, a little hut, a sandpit, plus the already mentioned barefoot path. Schoolchildren would like to have a more complex climbing frame than the present one.

4. On looking at the pictures, a great idea came up that the two playgrounds could be connected by a colourful stretch of pavement on which a jumping school or other fun things could be drawn.

5. Fitness equipment was recommended for the area closer to the school. According to information received from the constituency's MP, plans are already under way to create such a park nearby.

6. The most difficult decision to make was the issue of fencing. The pros and cons were somewhat divisive to those concerned. 

In the end, the core of the "planning team", made up of local residents, toured the sites with the organisers to check the feasibility of the ideas. They looked at hedge planting, playground extensions and street lighting options, including lighting for the running track.

At this visit, the proposed rope slide in the park behind the nursery was finally rejected because there would not be enough space for it next to the valuable double tree alley. Instead, the possibility of placing benches was raised.

The playground at Márton Diósy Street could be used to create a small slide by extending the site, which would be welcomed by the children in the area (in the meantime, upgrading the existing rope slide could diminish its disturbing sound effect).

A community space adjacent to the playground still seems a successful idea, with the addition that it might be worth adding plants to the existing pergolas. The trampled field next to the school could become part of the running track.

As a result of our community planning project, construction of the running track will begin in the first half of 2022. The other development ideas generated here may also be implemented in the future, subject to the necessary conditions being examined and the impact mechanisms being considered.

We thank all participants for their supportive, open and creative approach and for the willingness they have shown to think together!

innovation #Buildingcommunities


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