New Things Under the Flags

VEB2023 tendered collaboration
VEB2023 tendered collaboration

Veszprém Neighbourhood Friends’ Associations.

Bakonyalja - Cholnokyváros - Csererdő - Cserhát - Dózsaváros - Egyetemváros - Füredidomb - Gyulafirátót - Jeruzsálemhegy - Jutasi Road Housing Estate - Jutaspuszta - Kádárta - Kertváros - Újtelep - Szabadságpuszta

Heraldists, historians, graphic designers and opinion leaders of neighbourhood communities has worked together to create a unified yet individual set of symbols for each neighbourhood which debuted at the Gisela Days in 2022. We believe that one way of preserving tradition, local identity and cohesion is the creation of a set of symbols for each neighbourhood. For the first time since the celebrations have been held, neighbourhood friends’ associations lined up under their own flags in the historic parade. It was the Közösség Kádártáért Egyesület (Community for Kádárta Association) that called representatives, organisations, formal and informal groups from the 15 Veszprém neighbourhoods together to design flags and scarves characteristic of their neighbourhoods.


The experience of cohesion is further embodied in a few unusual events outside of Gisela Days. The neighbourhoods envision reviving the Bridge Festival, linked to the anniversary of the inauguration of Saint Stephen Bridge (a.k.a. the Viaduct) in Veszprém, which both symbolically and physically connects the various neighbourhoods. Not only will we meet on that day under the Viaduct in 2023, but we will launch a new tradition of family and community gatherings on the slopes of the Gulya Hill: different shape kites bearing the symbols of the neighbourhoods will sail on the Bakony winds.


The experience of cohesion and brotherhood, playing an active role in the cultural life of Veszprém and of being visible in general are all motivating factors in the life of the neighbourhood friends’ associations. We work together to create urban communities and give them impetus in a self-organised, tradition-keeping, intergenerational manner.

Date: May and 20 August 2023

Implemented by: Közösség Kádártáért Egyesület (Community for Kádárta Association)

Partners: Veszprém-Cserháti Társaskör Kulturális Egyesület (Veszprém-Cserhát Social Club Cultural Association), Local Provincialists /Jutasi Housing Estate/, Dózsaváros Friends' Circle, Látóhegy Friends' Circle, Cholnoky Round Table, Jeruzsálemhegy Friends' Circle, Jutaspusztáért Egyesület (Pro Jutaspuszta Association), Egry József Housing Estate Friends' Circle, Óvári Ferenc Friends' Circle /Egyetemváros/, Veszprém Újtelep Friends' Circle, Gyulafirátót German Nationality Cultural Association, Tikhegyi Baráti Kör Egyesület (Tikhegy Friends' Circle Association), Gyulafirátót, Virágzó Veszprémért Egyesület (Blooming Veszprém Association) (Jutasi Housing Estate), Haszkovó Civil Guard, Csererdő Kertvárosi Városvédő Egyesület (Csererdő Garden Town Protection Association).

The busy world of Veszprém


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